Business Coach

Hi, I'm Kristen

I’m the coach for entrepreneurs who want to take their business from “fuck me” to “fuck yeah.”


Entrepreneurship gets to be about eleventy-billion times simpler, starting right now.

I teach coaches, therapists, healers, and other brilliant service-based entrepreneurs like you how to tune out all the fear-based bippity-boppity-bullshit that paralyzes you and how to tune in to a fun, fulfilling, fuck-yeah business — without overcomplicating things, leaving you filled with dread, costing you a bajillion dollars, making you feel like you’re failing all the time, or burning you all the way the fuck out.

You already have the skills you need to start helping people — and start making money — right now.

And you don’t need to do MORE and HARDER to make it happen.

You actually need to do LESS and SOFTER.

I’m here to show you how.

Three 1-hour integrative hypnosis sessions for $333 from certified hypnotist Kristen King

Limited-Time Offer: New Year’s Triple Play

Three 1-Hour Virtual Sessions for $333

Ring in the New Year with three 1-hour hypnosis sessions designed to help you rock your resolutions and start off 2024 feeling like the badass you are.

The New Year’s Triple Play includes three 60-minute virtual hypnosis sessions in 1 month with certified hypnotist, coach, and integrative changeworker Kristen King.

Get My Emails!

If you’re a coach, therapist, changeworker, or other service-based entrepreneur, you want me in your inbox! Every email from me is packed with info and insights you can use right now to take your business from fuck-me to fuck-yeah — straight from my 15+ years of experience helping entrepreneurs like you write your own business rule book.

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Bryn BamberKristen was my coach for over a year. She changed my fucking life and helped me double my business income, which my brain definitely thought was impossible. Kristen helped me become more of myself and my business become more aligned with who I’m meant to be. She’s a bomb coach and you should definitely coach with her because she’s a fiery ambitious bitch who’s changing the world.

Bryn Bamber, Trauma-Informed Witch & Core Energetics Practitioner Creator of Advanced Somatics Certification and Feminist Somatics Course Canada April 15, 2022