Integrative Coach & Hypnotist

Hi, I'm Kristen

I help you make the shift from "fuck me" to "fuck yeah."


You ready?
Let’s do this.

I’m not interested in a half-lived life.

I don’t think you should have to live one either.

You deserve more than just surviving.

You deserve to thrive, to live all the way, YOUR way.

Let’s create your next “fuck yeah” together.

Hop on my email list.

When you join, get a free PDF copy of my New Year, More You annual reflection yearbook.

NYMY isn’t about “fixing” what’s wrong with you — because there’s nothing wrong with you in the first place.

It’s about meeting the parts of you that’ve been hiding and becoming more of who you actually are.

My private clients, my list subscribers, and my workshop participants all love it. I know you will too.

Upcoming Events

Leadville Workshop Series

Join me in America’s highest city Leadville, CO, for my winter workshop series. Click any graphic to go to our events page for full details and registration. I hope to see you soon at 10,200 feet!

Rave Reviews

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Bryn BamberKristen was my coach for over a year. She changed my fucking life and helped me double my business income, which my brain definitely thought was impossible. Kristen helped me become more of myself and my business become more aligned with who I’m meant to be. She’s a bomb coach and you should definitely coach with her because she’s a fiery ambitious bitch who’s changing the world.

Bryn Bamber, Trauma-Informed Witch & Core Energetics Practitioner Creator of Advanced Somatics Certification and Feminist Somatics Course Canada April 15, 2022

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