Integrative Coach & Hypnotist
Do you ever find yourself spacing out in front of the computer screen, or maybe jumping from website to website, or compulsively checking your e-mail when you should be working?

Yeah, me too. I’ve mentioned in the past that my “multi-tasking” is really anything but. In fact, it eats up hours every week if I let it. But I finally figured out what leads to those frantic bouts of imitation productivity.

  • I’m hungry.

For some reason, I have it in my head that no matter what, I should not get up from my desk when I’m working. Stupid, I know. So instead of getting something to eat when I start losing my focus, I force myself to SIT STILL and PAY ATTENTION, which totally fails because I’m hungry and can’t concentrate anyway.

Note to self: There is nothing inherently evil about taking a lunch break. Or a snack break. Or several.

  • I’m tired.

Taking a nap doesn’t generally fit into my daily schedule, but there are other things I could do to perk up and boost my energy when I just can’t keep together. Trotting to the end of the cul de sac and back with the dogs is one. Sitting in the sun for a few minutes to stretch my eyes and get some natural light into my system. Drinking a cup of fruit juice or some coffee is another.

Note to self: The best solution is to get a little more sleep at night so it’s not a problem in the first place.

  • I really, really don’t want to do this project.

This usually happens when I’m feeling pressed for cash and I agree to something I’m not really interested in out of desperation — never a good reason to agree to anything. But rather than just getting it over with, I stretch the torture out.

Note to self: Suck it up and finish it already so you can move onto something fun!

  • I’m scared of this project.

As in, I’m scared they’ll be disappointed with it and won’t hire me again. So what if that happens? They knew what they were getting when they hired me, so if they’re disappointed, it will be because they didn’t give a clear enough picture of what they wanted, or maybe because they didn’t give me what I needed to deliver 100%.

Note to self: Avoiding it doesn’t make it less scary. Just dive in.


I tried to come up with some other procrastination triggers, but they all come back to these four. What sets off your procrastination tendencies? Leave a comment. Or, you know, come back later and do it. 😉

Additional reading: