Integrative Coach & Hypnotist


Finding Balance as a Freelancer

Work-life balance is a tricky thing, but so is work-work balance. It's a tough to find the time for the work you enjoy and do for yourself alongside the work you do for other people (which may be enjoyable, but not necessarily your life's passion). I can't recall...

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Beating Procrastination: Find Your Root Cause

Beating Procrastination: Find Your Root Cause

Do you ever find yourself spacing out in front of the computer screen, or maybe jumping from website to website, or compulsively checking your e-mail when you should be working? Yeah, me too. I've mentioned in the past that my "multi-tasking" is really anything but....

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Working Toward $100,000: Time Management

Working Toward $100,000: Time Management

Part of my plan to make $100,000 in 2008 is to work more efficiently. I waste a lot of time each day by jumping around from project to project. I call it "multitasking," but let's call a spade a spade: I'm procrastinating. In an effort to be more aware of "where the...

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Tactful and Successful Contract Negotiations

Tactful and Successful Contract Negotiations

Important Disclaimer: I am not a lawyer and this is not legal advice. When in doubt, always consult an intellectual property or copyright lawyer for help with your contract questions. This week I officially accepted an assignment for a publication that I've never...

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Hold Me Back, Hold Me Back

Hold Me Back, Hold Me Back

Do you ever have just one of those clients? You know the kind: you like them, you're interested in their project, you dig their company/products/philosophy/whatever -- but they drive you crazy. Yeah, I have one of those right now. I genuinely like these people, but...

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Firing Nightmarish Clients

I think the Writing Frump and Irreverent Freelancer would both approve of this great list of 10 ways to fire a client who's making your life miserable from Inside CRM. My favorite? 2. The client who can't make deadlines: This client wants you to set his project at top...

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Tips to Increase Your Productivity

Tips to Increase Your Productivity

This week has been a big one for me as I've been catching up for being out of the loop so long with a nasty bug. And amazingly, I find that I'm getting it all done! Here are some of the techniques I've been using that I hope will be helpful for you, too. 1. Get up...

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