Integrative Coach & Hypnotist

My name is Kristen King, and I am a piler. (I’m also a stuff-it-where-I-can’t-see-it-er, but that’s another post.) Back in 2008, I posted about this um, piling quirk of mine on the now-defunct Biz Chicks Rule, where I confessed to having a “File Box of Doom” that I moved around my office but never really addressed. Over that summer I worked through the doom and ended up eliminating it entirely. But now the pile is back, and bigger than ever.
Ladies and gentlemen, meet the Chair of Misfit Papers and Office Supplies.

If you look closely, you can see about a week’s worth of newspapers mixed in with papers I need to file, half a dozen project notebooks, several unopened packages of pretty file folders, my day planner (clearly getting a lot of use!), an ethernet cable, and my iPhone earbuds. Buried in the wreckage of my office is also a pair of scissors, a digital camera, and a couple dozen expired coupons, as well as some I hope to unearth before the use-by date passes.

I’m setting my timer for 15 minutes and I’m going to do a speed sort to at least get things organized and try to put away a few smaller piles. Once I pull out the newspapers and office supplies, it should be much more manageable. Right? Right?

What’s your dirty little office secret? And what are you going to do about it?