Integrative Coach & Hypnotist


Tips for Freelance Contracts

Tips for Freelance Contracts

This is not legal advice, just some information gleaned from my own experiences. When in doubt, consult a real, live legal professional with intellectual property rights experience. Because you're a brilliant, responsible freelancer, you know that you need a contract...

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Today’s To-Do List

I have a ton of stuff to get done today, and I need some accountability to make it happen! Here's what's on my plate: Finish my dozen or so in-progress articles and submit them to Revise a press release for the Article Challenge Post on...

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Interview With Kristen King at Urban Muse

Interview With Kristen King at Urban Muse

Check out querier extraordinaire Susan Johnston's interview with yours truly at her Urban Muse blog. I might be just a teensy bit biased, but I think it's a pretty good read. If nothing else, at least skim the part about the 2007 Inkthinker Query Challenge.

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An Easy Way to Get More Done in the Day

Get up earlier. Yes, that's right, folks, getting up earlier gives you more waking hours to get more done. Breaking news, I know. It seems that despite my puppy's genius IQ, she hasn't grasped the concept of Daylight Saving Time. Thus, I am up every morning by 7:30...

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Like yelling “Fire!” in a crowded theater

Like yelling “Fire!” in a crowded theater

This whole plagiarism thing has gone too far. I've been following the Opal Mehta fiasco pretty closely, and last week's New York Times article "A Second Ripple in the Plagiarism Scandal" put me over the edge. The article, prompted by observations from an...

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What’s all this about accidents?

Tonight someone described publishing to me as "an accidental profession." This struck me as odd for two reasons: (1) that the statement was made in a room of people who are actively pursuing a graduate degree in publishing, and (2) that I was the only one who really...

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Q&A: What’s a “kill fee”?

QUESTION: What's a "Kill Fee"? ANSWER: The term "kill fee" refers to the amount of money a magazine pays to a writer when the publication of an accepted article is canceled. Kill fees are typically a percentage of the original price of the article and can vary from...

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