Integrative Coach & Hypnotist


Hospital Checklist for Mom and Babies

Hospital Checklist for Mom and Babies

It's almost that time! We're getting our hospital and baby bags ready so we can grab and go when these little guys decide they're ready to come out. Here's what we're packing: Snacks & Drinks Greek yogurts with stir-in fruit Cheese sticks or string cheese Sliced...

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Natural Birth Plan & Post-Partum Preferences

Natural Birth Plan & Post-Partum Preferences

Here's one example of a plan for a natural childbirth. On the advice of our doula, we included some details that probably wouldn't be in a non-twin, non-natural birth plan, along with a separate plan for baby care in case they are taken away from us for NICU or...

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My Dirty Little Office Secret

My name is Kristen King, and I am a piler. (I'm also a stuff-it-where-I-can't-see-it-er, but that's another post.) Back in 2008, I posted about this um, piling quirk of mine on the now-defunct Biz Chicks Rule, where I confessed to having a "File Box of Doom" that I...

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101 Ways to Scar Your Child for Life

101 Ways to Scar Your Child for Life

Until parenthood becomes a very real part of your future, it's impossible to fully appreciate the myriad ways moms and dads can screw up their kids. Forget the worry that you won't know how to change a diaper or will give them the wrong baby food. I'm talking about...

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Finding Balance as a Freelancer

Work-life balance is a tricky thing, but so is work-work balance. It's a tough to find the time for the work you enjoy and do for yourself alongside the work you do for other people (which may be enjoyable, but not necessarily your life's passion). I can't recall...

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I Hate Relish in Tuna Fish, But I Love My Husband

I Hate Relish in Tuna Fish, But I Love My Husband

I hate relish in tuna fish, but my husband loves it, and I love him. Something I'm learning about marriage (and it's about time, since we just had our fourth anniversary in September) and relationships in general is that it's not always about you — and any time you...

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