Business Coach




100 Days to
Fewer Fucks 2.0

Unleash Your Business

You fucking love your business. At least, parts of it.

You love coaching people, helping them solve problems and change stuff in their lives they thought was impossible to shift, building up their confidence and their skills, helping them know and trust themselves better — it’s fun as hell.

And whether you’re coaching, speaking, training, facilitating, teaching, or writing on any given day, you’re great at it.

This is your fucking JAM.

You also love working for yourself.

Being an entrepreneur, getting to call your own shots, getting to control your schedule and decide what you’re going to work on, getting to fit your work around your life instead of the other way around…

It’s basically a dream come true.

Well, kind of.

​The thing is, entrepreneurship’s a lot harder than you expected.
It’s starting to feel like more of a fucking grind than like the freedom you were imagining when you decided to go for it.

Clients seem to fall out of the sky sometimes, but making sales feels like a surprise, not something you can do on purpose.

Marketing is a mystery too. You know no one’s going to hire you if they don’t even KNOW about you — you just can’t figure out why everyone else seems to like marketing and for you it kinda feels like torture.

You have no idea if anyone even wants your offer, which is why you keep changing it all the time. Not to mention that pricing your services is a special kind of hell you hadn’t anticipated.

And where’s all that free time you thought you were going to have working for yourself? It feels like all you ever do is work. How do other entrepreneurs find all those leisurely mornings and stress-free afternoons you see them enjoying on Facebook?

You love what you’re doing and you KNOW in your BONES it’s what you’re meant for, but at the same time you’re constantly asking yourself:

  • When am I gonna feel like I have my shit together?
  • Is this ever going to feel like a real business and not just a hobby?
  • Would I be better off going and just begging for my old job back?
  • Am I ever going to have actual clients who pay me actual money so I can afford to run this business in the first place and actually pay for the rest of my life?

​Everyone around you is taking off in their business.
Meanwhile, you’re still trying to crack the code.

That’s why you’re endlessly learning new skills and trying new things and double-checking every last detail — because you want to do it RIGHT.

It’s too important to give up on — giving up isn’t even an OPTION for you — but you’re starting to feel like a real business is never going to happen.

Or worse — that it’s going to happen, but it will feel this draining forever.

Which is the complete opposite of what you wanted.

​I have great news: I know exactly what’s going on here.

And it’s not that:

You’re not cut out for this

You didn’t get the entrepreneurship gene

You suck at marketing

You’re not smart enough

Nobody even wants what you have to offer

Your mother was right — this was a terrible idea

It’s none of that stuff.

Here’s the ACTUAL problem:

​You’re giving all your fucks away to trying to get everything perfect — the perfect offer for the perfect audience said with the perfect words and the perfect picture and the perfect call to action — and it’s fucking exhausting.

Perfectionism is paralyzing, and it stops your business in its tracks. 

When you’re stuck in the perfectionism cycle, you’re stuck in an endless loop of:


  • Procrastinating, because getting all those things perfect feels so overwhelming and like so much work and you need enough time and enough belief and the right energy to create perfection
  • Hustling, because this is taking SO FREAKING LONG, the clock is ticking, and your bank balance is dwindling — so you gotta work your ass off  to make up for lost time.
  • Overthinking, because what if you missed the one little detail that would have made the whole thing come together — so you’d better not put anything out there until you’re sure it will work or else you wasted all this time
  • Doubting yourself and your offer, because you’re not sure if people will even PAY for what you can do for them — so you can’t make offers or sales until you know for sure people want it and will pay for it or you’ll have to start all over again
  • People-pleasing, because if you don’t perfectly meet other people’s expectations and anticipate what they might want from you or they won’t take you seriously — so you really, really gotta do it the “right” way even if it means doing things you HATE because you just need somebody to freaking HIRE you already

Listen, I get it — because before I got out of perfectionism paralysis, I used to be stuck in the same place.

That’s how I know
ou’re making this entrepreneurship thing
WAY harder than it needs to be.

And that’s also how I know what to do about it. 

The whole point of starting your own business was for you to be able to:

  • Be yourself, with your style and your personality and the way YOU talk and think.
  • Have control over your time and your energy and your attention — your fucks.
  • Do fun work that you’re super fucking passionate about and that lights you up.
  • Feel satisfied and proud of yourself at the end of the day.

You wanted to make your work — and the rest of your life — a big fuck-yeah.

But instead of trusting your gut, following your unique magic and endless brilliance, and doing it your way, you’re running yourself ragged trying to follow the “rules” of what a “successful” business and a “serious” entrepreneur “should” look like and burning yourself right the fuck out.

And the harder you try to get traction and make yourself get it together, the worse it feels.

⬇️ Which is why your days look like this ⬇️

Every morning you wake up and tell yourself, “Today is the day! Today I’m gonna DO THIS THING.” 

So you get up and make the bed, because you’re the kind of Serious Entrepreneur who has her shit together and always makes the bed.

And you always get dressed too, like a Serious Business Person should.

But as you’re digging through your closet for just the right outfit for the Big Day You Get Down to Business, you notice that there’s a lot of stuff in here that doesn’t really fit anymore.

So, because you obviously want to set yourself up for success, you decide to just go through your clothes real quick, try everything on, and pull out anything that doesn’t fit into a Serious Entrepreneur’s wardrobe so you can donate it later. 

Phew, that’s done.

Now you head into the bathroom to brush your teeth and do your makeup and fix your hair to really put your best foot forward — you’ll be doing Serious Marketing today, so you gotta be reels-ready — and that’s when it occurs to you, “You know, I should just clean the bathroom real quick, because then I won’t be distracted by it while I’m working.”

By the time you finally get to your office to Get To Work, you’ve:

  • Made four cups of coffee — so you’re fully caffeinated and ready for anything
  • Opened all the mail and paid the bills — so you won’t be thinking about that pile on the kitchen counter all day when you’re supposed to be working
  • Run out to get a card for your mother-in-law, who you realized you haven’t talked to in a while, and taken it to the post office — because Serious Business People are serious about their relationships and you were feeling kind of guilty about that one
  • Rearranged your office — so your background looks Appropriately Professional 

Then you sit down at your computer and prepare for the brilliance to come flowing out of you and for the clients to come flowing in — but hold on! 

  • First you gotta read that article you’ve had open in your browser for the last week about “How the Best Entrepreneurs Are Running Their Small Businesses in 2023” just to make sure you don’t fuck it all up on The Big Day When It Finally Happens
  • Actually you should probably look at ALL of these tabs and see if there’s anything there you have to know right now
  • Oh, shit, you forgot to reply to that email from the doctor’s office
  • You know what, now that you’re here, you should probably just unsubscribe from all these newsletters and sales emails real quick, because Productive Entrepreneurs are all about that #inboxzero life

Oh look! It’s time for lunch!

So you grab something quick and head back to your desk ready to get going — after all, you’re a Great Multitasker — and it’s time to make an offer and get some clients!

You write half a social post, but something doesn’t feel right.

It’s not professional enough.

It’s not valuable enough.

So you delete it. 

Then you try again. 

And again.

And again. 

After five or six half-drafts, you decide to go see what OTHER people are posting in your space to get some ideas, because this clearly isn’t working.

But then, instead of inspiring you, every single one of those other people’s posts is just proof that you have nothing to say, and even if you did come up with an original idea someone else would say it better, so there’s no point.

You start thinking, “Maybe I need to take a copywriting course or buy one of those copy template packs that keep popping up in my Facebook ads, or maybe I need an offer that’s easier to talk about or something, or maybe I should do another certification so I’m more credible and they’ll give me some business advice…”

After staying up way too late researching what you can do to fix your business, you finally crawl into bed completely exhausted and demoralized. 

You were busy all. damn. day. 

But it feels like you got literally nothing done. 

And even though you were busting your ass from the moment your eyes opened until now, you realize as you’re falling asleep that you didn’t give a single fuck about the people you actually passionately want to serve all day. 

You also didn’t give any fucks to yourself or your partner. 

You used up all your fucks on shit that, now that you’re looking back, doesn’t really even matter. 


And after months of this same cycle day in and day out, that fuck-yeah business you’ve had so many dreams for is feeling a lot more like a fuck-me.

But you’re not a quitter.

You’ll try again tomorrow.

And maybe tomorrow you’ll find the magic bullet and things will change.

You hope…

Babe, STOP.

I don’t mean stop your business.

I mean stop playing this same day over and over (and over and over and over…) like your own personal Groundhog Day.

I’m going to show you the way out. 

You are already super freaking smart and unbelievably passionate. 

You’re committed and you are NOT giving up on this thing.

You already have the skills you need to start helping people — and start making money — right now.

And you don’t need to do MORE and HARDER to make it happen.

You actually need to do LESS and SOFTER.

Entrepreneurship gets to be about eleventy-billion times simpler, starting right now.

Welcome to 100 Days to Fewer Fucks 2.0

In 100D2FF 2.0, you’ll learn how to tune out all the fear-based bippity-boppity-bullshit that paralyzes you in your business and how to tune IN to what you already know.

We’re going to shift your business from fuck-me to fuck-yeah, get you out of the perfectionism cycle for good, and get you serving clients and making some money.

In other words, we’re going to unleash your business.

Over our 100 days together, you’ll learn how to peel back all of the layers of stress, pressure, and fear that stand between you and how you really WANT to run your business — and your life.

And I’m going to walk you through every step.

The Four Pillars of 100D2FF 2.0

Giving Fewer Fucks

Our fucks are our units of time, energy, and attention. They’re a finite resource. I’m going to teach you how to stop giving them away to perfectionism, people-pleasing, and the pressures of “professionalism” and “doing it right” so you can finally fucking DO IT — instead of procrastinating, avoiding, and spinning your wheels to figure out how to stop dreading this thing you desperately want to love.

Shifting Your Mindset

When we’ve been worrying about what other people think for so long, it’s easy to forget what we think. I’m going to help you zoom in on your values, your priorities, and what actually matters to you — so you can filter all of your decisions toward goals and choices that make you MORE of who you are instead of draining the life out of you.

Leveraging Your Natural Gifts

You bring a lot more to the table than you’ve been giving yourself credit for. You’ll learn how to refocus your business around the shit that lights you up, the things you love and are naturally good at. (And we’ll get rid of everything else.) You get to move forward in your business as you, not some cookie-cutter carbon copy of every business-bot out there.

Building Your Skills

You don’t actually need to know everything there is to know. You only need the stuff that helps you do what you want to do. These are the tools you want to add to your toolbox because they actually MATTER to you and add value to your business and your life — not because some rando on Instagram made you feel really, really guilty for not knowing something that’s not relevant to you anyway.

These four pillars are the whole foundation of 100D2FF. They work together to help you build the business you’ve actually been fantasizing about — without overcomplicating things, leaving you filled with dread, costing you a bajillion more dollars, making you feel like you’re failing all the time, or burning you all the way the fuck out.

In 100D2FF 2.0, we’re not about “leaning in” and “doing more” and “optimizing your workflow” and all of the other toxic productivity crap we’re constantly bombarded with.

We’re about getting your fucks back and doing LESS — both in general and especially less of what you hate — so you can do more of what you love.

When you learn how to make these four pillars the foundation of your business, you’ll be able to:


  • Feel super fucking crystal clear on exactly who you are and what you’re here for — so you’re not swept away by trends, FOMO, or outside pressure or manipulative tactics.
  • Take yourself seriously as a real, legit entrepreneur — instead of constantly negotiating with yourself whether your business, your marketing, your offers, your pricing, and your clients “count” or if it’s “just a hobby”
  • Easily prioritize and get shit done — without spinning out in procrastination or perfectionism.
  • Have FUN with your work — without endlessly worrying about whether you’re doing it right, what other people are doing, or if they’re doing it better than you.
  • Know the difference between something that’s a good idea and something that’s a good idea FOR YOU — by tuning into your inner fuck-yeah and fuck-no and honoring what you actually want for yourself and your business.
  • Trust yourself as the expert you are — without second-guessing every decision, every offer, every deliverable, every conversation, every investment, or anything else.
  • Have confidence in your offers and your pricing — and know exactly when/what to add, subtract, or adjust as your business evolves and grows.
  • Learn new things from a feeling of excitement, not out of obligation — and be able to tell yourself the truth about places where you have a skill gap so you can get shit done without shaming yourself or getting sucked into panic or overwhelm.
  • Say no to opportunities, obligations, and invitations that aren’t in line with what’s actually important to you — with no guilt and no people-pleasing — so you have energy left for the shit you actually want to do.

Kat Rentas

Kristen’s coaching is that perfect balance between tough love and empathetic support. In just the past 6 months, her sessions have allowed me to overcome perfectionistic blocks that I didn’t even know were present. I’m healing burnout, learning to show up as myself, and letting tasks be easy. I’m experiencing more freedom than ever in my business. And now, I’m able to better access the joy and fulfillment in my life that I felt like was missing. I can’t recommend her enough!

— Kat Rentas, Certified Life & Health Coach


We’re also going to work on a ton of core business concepts woven in throughout our time together, including:


  • What to invest in at different stages of your business — so you’re not hemorrhaging funds all the time because you’re making strategic investments that actually make sense
  • When and how to expand or deepen your content knowledge and your skills
  • When to quit your day job (or when to get one to take the pressure off)
  • Where and for how long to bootstrap it versus when to hire help and for what
  • Business logistics like scheduling, payments, contracts, and technology tools — so you can get the admin stuff handled and focus on the FUN parts of your business
  • What you need to know about websites, social media, email, and more — including tools, tactics, and strategies
  • Managing your time and your energy in ways that make sense for your brain, your body, and your situation
  • Marketing strategies that don’t make you involuntarily roll your eyes or gag, or voluntarily run screaming
  • Finding clients on purpose — they don’t actually fall out of the sky, and I can prove it!
  • Creating webinars, speeches, and presentations that don’t suck
  • Designing effective freebies and information products to grow your business
  • How to create a course or program — combining business, marketing, and instructional design principles

Plus, we’ll tackle any real-time challenges that come up during the course of our time together too — a client who’s got you flummoxed, what to do when your mom won’t stop calling your business “that advice thing you do,” how to navigate having a sick kid at home when you’ve got a day full of client calls, and more.

Whatever’s going on, bring it to the group. I gotchu.

Serena HicksKristen is a phenomenally talented coach. I experienced her coaching directly as are peers in a MM together — and HOLY WOW the insights she revealed to me were nothing short of life altering. She colors outside the lines; she weaves her mindset coaching, her brilliant knowledge of pop culture (she mentioned a scene in Harry Potter that illuminated a whole new POV for me), and her CALM commanding demeanor create an infinitely safe-but-strong space for you to get to the heart of what’s going on. I recommend working with her highly and endlessly.

— Serena Hicks, Unorthodox Business Coach
Creator of The Boom Boom Room and Holy Wow Mastermind


Imagine how much better business is going to feel when…


…You go through your days from calm, certain, grounded energy because you know who the fuck you are and what the fuck you’re doing.

…You get to save perfection for the stuff that actually needs it — which is a lot less than you used to think — and tasks that used to take all day are done in just a few hours.

…You shift the time and energy you spent wondering if you could help people, make the offer, launch the program, post the video into actually helping people, making offers, launching your amazing shit, and sharing your brilliant ideas all over the place.

…You don’t have to pick between your business or your relationship, or your business or your vacation, or your business or your own mental health — because you get to have them all, and they all work.

…You actually look forward to marketing and selling because as it turns out, it’s pretty freaking fun when you know who you’re talking to and you’re doing it your way.

…You feel energized by your work because it’s all stuff you enjoy and you actually feel like you’re good at it, and hanging out with your clients is a freaking blast because you adore them.

…You know there are infinite right ways to run a business, and you get to enjoy the fun of being curious and trying stuff out and seeing what happens with zero stress about the outcome.

…You trust yourself to make great decisions, to make good judgment calls, and to learn anything you need to learn when you need to learn it — and the most important opinion is YOURS.

…You have the confidence that, no matter how your business changes and evolves over the years, you always have solid basic business principles and core skills you can adapt for anything, and you know exactly how.

And then, imagine how great it will feel when you discover that everything you’ve learned in your business actually applies to the rest of your life too — romantic relationships, your relationship with your original family, your parenting, your friendships, your health — all of it.

Nothing happens in a vacuum.

Your life and your business aren’t separate things. They’re both part of YOU, and you get to be fully unleashed everywhere.

The Format

Our Current Round Started March 29, 2023
Doors Close April 29 — no exceptions
Live Calls Wednesdays at 12 p.m. ET (11 CT, 10 MT, 9 PT)

100D2FF 2.0 includes weekly 90-minute scheduled group coaching calls via Zoom plus:

  • Scheduled weekly casual coaching calls on Wednesdays at 12 p.m. ET leading up to our official kickoff
  • Pop-up calls as needed to deep dive into core content
  • Monthly virtual co-working/social sessions on Zoom for peer support and connection
  • A robust workbook plus stand-alone tools and templates — and I’m constantly adding more as needs come up in group coaching and conversations
  • An online learning portal with lifetime access after program ends
  • Recordings and transcripts of all of our calls
  • Bonus audio and video content including relaxation and meditation exercises, mental health tools, and tips for incorporating what you’re learning in 100D2FF 2.0 into other areas of your life
  • A private Facebook group for ongoing coaching, support, and community between live calls — with archive access after the program ends
  • Automatic lifetime access to the evergreen group business coaching membership program that will start when 100D2FF 2.0 ends in July — at no additional charge. (Yes, that’s two programs for the price of one, and the second one is lifetime access.)

Bryn Bamber

Kristen was my coach for over a year. She changed my fucking life and helped me double my business income, which my brain definitely thought was impossible. Kristen helped me become more of myself and my business become more aligned with who I’m meant to be. She’s a bomb coach and you should definitely coach with her because she’s a fiery ambitious bitch who’s changing the world.

— Bryn Bamber, Trauma-Informed Witch & Core Energetics Practitioner
Creator of Advanced Somatics Certification and Feminist Somatics Course

Meet Your Mentor

Hi. I’m Kristen.

I spent over a decade as a miserable success before deciding to burn it all down to go after what I wanted — instead of resigning myself to what the world told me I was allowed to have. I had the house, the husband, the kids (twins!), the careers… And yet I still felt like I was slowly being crushed alive by the pressure to do everything and do it all perfectly. It was the perfect trap, and now that I’ve gotten out of it I’m going back to free the others.

I’ve got nearly 20 years of experience in entrepreneurship and a background that includes marketing, copywriting, digital and content strategy, instructional design, publishing, public health (specifically mental health and trauma), and coaching.

In short, this isn’t my first rodeo. There’s been a lot of fucking rodeos.

My coaching career itself formally started around 2006 with business coaching, when my freelance communications firm became so successful so quickly that people were beating my door down to find out how I did it just 2 years out of college. My blog was named one of the top 10 blogs for freelance writers for multiple years, I was featured in several books and national publications, and I spoke to and trained at such organizations as the National Press Club, American Independent Writers, the Society of Professional Journalists, the National Writers Union, among others.

Since then, my coaching has spanned the gamut from mental health and wellness to fitness to general life coaching to business coaching — which is why I’m so skilled at coaching the whole person and not just one isolated aspect of your life.

In addition to having an MBA and a master’s in publishing from two of the best public universities in the country and being a multi-certified coach, I have more than a decade of experience in mental health, trauma, substance use, and peer support, plus intensive training in tools like wellness facilitation, motivational interviewing, and trauma-informed approaches.

100D2FF 2.0 isn’t going to make your business look exactly like my business.

It’s going to make your business look exactly like YOUR BUSINESS.

I know you’ve tried a million different things to try to speed up your business and maximize your time and find The Right Way To Do Things . . . and even if you got some useful nuggets, none of them have really delivered the way you’d hoped.

The thing is, those strategies were great for the people who created them, and for people whose brains work the same way.

But if that’s not you, those step-by-step “here’s my exact formula so you can do it exactly like I did” programs based on one right way to do it are gonna make you feel worse, not better.

They’re gonna keep you stuck in the perfectionism loop where it feels like you’re failing at business and at life, where you constantly doubt yourself, and where you spend all your time and energy trying to make up for that failure by buckling down and powering through and believing harder, dammit! instead of actually doing your work in the world.

That’s not how we do things in 100D2FF 2.0.

We do mindset and belief work — but this ain’t your mama’s stack of gaslight-y self-help books.

We do strategy and plans — but this ain’t some generic, douchey dude-bro’s business “secrets” or a rigid Stepford Wife Boss Babe one-size-fits-all guide either.


You don’t need to:

  • work 80-hour weeks (during which you never eat, sleep, pee, shower, work out, have rough days, spend time with your friends and family, take breaks, go on vacation, or have literally any human needs whatsoever)
  • spend tens of thousands of dollars or countless hours on some slick, professional image that includes thirty-seven different certifications, a click funnel and nurture sequence with a bajillion steps, and a giant website with professional photos and fourteen different courses for sale,
  • hire an army of lead generators or appointment setters, or
  • buy yet another done-for-you business-in-a-box system (no matter HOW many unsolicited sales pitches you get trying to convince you that you’ll inevitably starve to death under a highway overpass if you don’t buy this program IMMEDIATELY for 97% off).

There is absolutely nothing wrong with websites and funnels and sequences and trainings — if they’re a good fit for you, your business, the stage of business you’re in, and what you actually like and want to do.


But there are as many right ways to run a business as there are entrepreneurs running them. 

In 100D2FF 2.0, I’m definitely going to give you concrete strategies and best practices for your business. But I’m also going to give you the basic principles behind those strategies and practices so you can find your version, the ways of doing things that make sense for you — not just the approach that makes sense for me.

Because despite what you may have heard many, many times, from many, many “business experts,” you don’t need to turn off your humanity, your preferences, your likes, or your style to succeed as an entrepreneur. In fact, turning them off is the exact opposite of what you need to do to build the business you had in mind when you picked entrepreneurship.



You get to have a business that makes you more of who you are and treats your humanness like the precious business asset it is.

You get to have a business where you lead with curiosity and fun and joy and whatever else is important to you.

You get to have a business where fucking around and finding out is your core strategy — because that’s how you dial it in what actually works for you.

And in 100D2FF 2.0, I’m going to show you exactly how to build your business your way.

No perfectionism, no hustle, no grind, no complicated methodologies.

Just you and your business — unleashed.



What to expect after you enroll…

Our current session started March 29, 2023.
Doors close April 29, 2023 — no exceptions.

After you submit your first (or full) payment, you’ll receive a receipt via email.

Then, within 1-2 business days, you’ll receive an email inviting you to join our private Facebook group, where you’ll get to know your colleagues, access your resources, and start getting coached! You’ll also get access to our robust and growing learning portal.

We’ll have casual 90-minute live coaching calls on Zoom every Wednesday at 12 p.m. ET (11 CT, 10 MT, 9 PT) February 8 through March 22, 2023.

On March 29, we’ll hold our official kickoff call and dive into the 100D2FF content!

Scheduled live calls will take place on Zoom every Wednesday at 12 p.m. ET (11 CT, 10 MT, 9 PT) from March 29 through July 5, 2023 (final call date subject to change due to the group’s collective holiday travel plans around the U.S. Independence Day holiday).

Bonus pop-up calls will take place as needed throughout the program to deep dive into key topics; dates and times to be announced.

You’ll receive email reminders (as well as Facebook invites) for all scheduled and pop-up calls.

All call recordings will be posted in the Facebook group and in our online learning portal, usually within 2 business days after the call takes place.

We’ll hold monthly (or more frequent!) co-working/social sessions on Zoom for peer support and connection; dates and times to be announced.

Our final live call will take place on July 12, 2023 (we are off the week of U.S. Independence Day).

The Facebook group will be archived on or around the Monday after our final live call. Once it’s archived, you won’t be able to make any new posts or comments, but you’ll still have access to the content posted in the group throughout our time together. You’ll also maintain access to the online learning portal.

After our 100 Days ends in July, participants will be rolled over to lifetime access to to the evergreen group business coaching membership program that will start when 100D2FF 2.0 ends in July — at no additional charge. (Yes, that’s two programs for the price of one, and the second one is lifetime access.)

The Investment

The current round of 100 Days to Fewer Fucks 2.0 started March 29, 2023. Doors are now closed.

Tuition: $2400.00 USD

Get on my email list for updates on the next opportunity. 👇🏻


Frequently uttered questions (FUQs)*

What kinds of entrepreneurs join 100D2FF 2.0?

I work with service-based entrepreneurs who almost exclusively identify as women or femme folx* and whose services are collaborative with the client and include a coaching, mentoring, teaching, or training component.

My clients have included folks who call themselves:

  • Coaches
  • Therapists (mental health, behavioral, physical and rehabilitative, and more)
  • Healers
  • Change workers
  • Psychic mediums
  • Consultants and content experts
  • Trainers/speakers
  • Authors and commercial writers
  • Medical doctors
  • Educators
  • Brand strategists and designers
  • Content creators and strategists
  • Web designers
  • Other service-based entrepreneurs

* If you identify differently and want to join us, feel free to reach out to me to touch base first so we can chat about what will best support you.

I’m not a full-time entrepreneur. I still have a day job. Can I still join? Do I have to quit my job?
You absolutely can still join, and you absolutely do not have to quit your day job.

I’m a huge fan of building a business alongside working a job — and in fact that’s how I’ve built both of my own multi-six-figure businesses.

Many well-intended business coaches will tell you to “burn the boats” because if you’re not exclusively working your business you’re not “all in” and you’ll never succeed.

That’s not how I roll. There’s 100% something to be said for being committed to your business, but “go all in and burn the boats” overlooks the fact that there are a lot of ways “committed” can look. And it also overlooks the fact that not everyone is comfortable throwing away a perfectly acceptable way to pay the bills while they learn how to run their business and generate consistent income. If you’re working for someone else, keep doing it so you can build your business knowing that you have time to learn and your rent is still getting paid.

In 100D2FF, you’ll learn how to stay committed without being attached to one right way for things to look in your business or in the rest of your life.

How do I know if I’m ready to join 100D2FF and unleash my business?

This program is for you if:

👍🏻 Your work includes building relationships, providing consultative teaching and support, and cultivating skills in your clients (versus taking their input and handing back a deliverable — which is a totally valid and useful service but not the kind of service we focus on in this program).

👍🏻 You’re willing to bring your whole self to your business and look holistically at your business and the rest of your life as integrally related.

👍🏻 You want business to be FUN and HUMAN.

👍🏻 You’re confident in your skills around getting results for your clients and delivering what you promised — even if you still have some learning or growing you want to do along the way— and you’re ready to serve clients (or more clients) as soon as you find them.

👍🏻 You’re sick and tired of having to be so goddamned perfect all the time, and you’re ready to try another way.

👍🏻 You’re willing to let go of “the way it’s done” and “the way I’ve always done it” so you can play with new ideas and strategies and create your OWN standards and practices.

👍🏻 You’re open to organic, content- and information-driven strategies.

👍🏻 You’re basically tech-competent and you’re a fan of digital — or eager and willing to become one.

👍🏻 You consider thought work and personal development as equally valuable to plans, strategies, and tactics.

👍🏻 You enjoy growing, learning, and collaborating in community.

👍🏻 You want a sustainable business for the long haul, and you’re willing to slow down to speed up.

100D2FF probably isn’t a great fit if:

👎🏻 You don’t know what kind of business you want to have — while the program is designed for folks earlier in their entrepreneurship journey, you should have an existing business that you’ve spent at least a little time with before joining us.

👎🏻 You’re looking for a “business that runs on autopilot” and is primarily based on outsourcing — 100D2FF is heavily focused on hands-on, relationship-driven businesses

👎🏻 Your business is product-based — this program is designed to support service-based entrepreneurs

👎🏻 The business you want to grow is someone else’s — but that person may be a good fit, so send ’em over!

With all the business coaches out there, why should I hire YOU?

If you’ve made it this far down the page, my guess is you already know the answer to this one. 😉 But just in case you need that final nudge to say yes to the thing you already know you want to do, I’ll remind you:

There’s a reason my previous blog was ranked as one of the best websites for freelance writers for multiple years.

There’s a reason I was featured as a success story in multiple books about starting a successful freelance business.

There’s a reason I was brought in to design programs and deliver workshops and trainings for national organizations like American Independent Writers, the National Press Club, and others.

There’s a reason both of my full-time businesses — writing then and coaching now — skyrocketed to six figures.

Actually, there’s two:

1️⃣ I’m really, really fucking good at what I do.
2️⃣ I’m really, really fucking good at teaching other people how to do the same thing — with their own style and flavor.

And as a bonus, I really, really fucking love helping entrepreneurs do what THEY love, which is why I’ve been doing it since the early 2000s.

I am a fucking amazing coach.
I cannot wait to welcome you as a fucking amazing client.

Let’s unleash your business.

Can I work with you if I’m already working with another business coach?

No problem on my end! I’ve worked with multiple coaches simultaneously lots of times, and many of my clients also have other coaches. In fact, I often refer my clients to other coaches who specialize in key areas that come up during the course of our coaching. As far as I’m concerned, you get to have whatever support makes the best sense for you — and only you know what that is.

But whether it’s a good idea for you to work with multiple business coaches at the same time is up to you. (And depending on your agreement, it may be up to you and your other coach(es).) If you’re working with someone 1:1 or in a small-group container, I would advise you to give them a heads up even if your coaching agreement doesn’t require it — but I’m not the boss of you, so that’s up to you too.

Just remember that when you’re getting coaching and advice from multiple sources, there are likely to be differences of philosophy and opinion. This will mean you need to use your own judgment and discernment — which ideally you’ll be doing anyway — to decide how you want to proceed when those differences arise. If that’s more work than you’re willing to do right now, that’s a good thing to know about yourself. And if you’re up for it, 100D2FF will help you find ways to do everything in your business that feel more like your way, including what I and any other coaches offer you.

What’s your coaching style?
My coaching weaves together:

  • thought/belief work and mental exercises that operate in the conscious brain
  • somatic and nervous system practices that operate in the body
  • a combo of neuroscience, hypnosis, trance, and straight-up magic that my mentors call “punk rock, brain-melting, quantum-field-activating, psychedelic hypno-magic Jedi mind training,” that does amazing shit in the unconscious mind
  • spiritual tools like meditation, oracle and tarot cards, and other practices (all optional) that help you find new ways to connect to your inner wisdom
  • evidence-based practices in mental health and behavior change, including trauma-informed approaches
  • my own tools, strategies, and concepts created over nearly 20 years of experience
  • song lyrics (and not-infrequent spontaneous musical performances, particularly of Disney songs)
  • movie references (and subsequently recommending watching said movies for homework)
  • concrete instruction and skill development
  • very direct communication
  • profanity
  • humor

Just as I believe in coaching the WHOLE person — your business does not exist in a vacuum totally separate from the rest of your life — I also believe in coaching the whole brain and body. Pulling from multiple practices, schools of thought, and styles helps me meet you exactly where you need to be met on any given day so you can create the changes you want faster than you ever imagined possible.

I’m a big believer in personal responsibility and self-advocacy, so I trust you fully to take ownership of your own results and ask for what you need — and I’ll help you learn how to do that if you need support. You and I are a team, but we’re working on YOUR life and YOUR business, so YOU are ultimately responsible for where they go. I’m here to support you, offer you perspective, and teach you new skills, but I’m not here to do the work FOR you.

Important note about consent: I’m the boss of my coaching containers, but YOU’RE the boss of you. By coming into my container you consent to be coached by me, but I will also confirm your consent in many of our coaching conversations and exercises to make sure we’re going in the direction you want to go and that feels comfortable for you. You can withhold or withdraw consent at any time, and we’ll shift gears.

Is there a guarantee?

Yes and no.

When you enroll in 100D2FF, I promise I will:

  • show up for calls as planned (or let you know the game plan if there’s some kind of emergency)
  • deliver the best resources I have to support you in unleashing your business, and
  • coach your face off every chance I get — whether on live calls or in the Facebook group.

That’s what I’m gonna do, but I can’t guarantee what you’re gonna do because I’m not the one in charge of that.

You are.

One of the skills you’ll learn in our time together is how to be your OWN guarantee. Part of unleashing is learning how to more deeply trust yourself and support yourself, and how to show up for yourself in the ways that matter to you in your business and the rest of your life.

I can’t do that for you, but I can support you while you do it — and as your coach that is literally exactly what I’m here for.

Okay, I'm officially obsessed with you now, but I’m not really into groups. Do you work with people 1:1?

I do! If you want to see if my six-month private 1:1 option is a fit for you, please book a free exploration call and let’s chat about it.

I want to join, but I have another question.

Perfect, because I’ve got an answer! Email me and tell me what’s up.

* With gratitude to Australian coach Suzanne Culberg for the brilliant term “Frequently uttered questions (FUQs)”! Thanks for letting me use it. xoxo, kk