Private 1:1 Coaching
Freedom and permission are two of the top things my clients say they get from working with me.

They also get things like making more money, gaining confidence, growing their businesses, developing new skills, and a whole lot more.
But in the presence of all that, freedom and permission are the ones that come up again and again and again.
Because when you hire me as your coach, freedom and permission are just part of the package.
When we work together you’re going to discover that you don’t need to keep trying to make up for all of those things you thought you needed to atone for.
Turns out, you were never guilty in the first place.
That’s why my friend Lynn dubbed me the Priestess of Absolution — because my coaching is the temple you come to to be cleansed of your sins, and when you walk in I’m waiting there to tell you, “Surprise! You were innocent the whole time!”
From there you’re free to go, but we’re not done yet.
You know all those heavy things you’ve been lugging around that you thought made you so awful and bad, that you needed to hide so nobody found out how terrible you are?
- Being too loud
- Taking up too much space
- Changing your price and your offers
- Being suuuuuuper fucking awkward
- Not following through with things
- Being a know-it-all
- Having too many opinions
- Starting over again and again
- Being TOO MUCH (and still somehow never enough)
I’ve got news: Those are actually your secret weapons.
Sure, we can toss the stuff that you legitimately hate.
But most of it is stuff you secretly long for and wish you didn’t need to hide, isn’t it?
You don’t need to hide it anymore.
In fact, we’re going to alchemize that shit into your personal spellbook / life operations manual so you can use your unique magic formula throughout every area of your life and your business.
No more hiding your greatest assets in a dark hole somewhere. We’re putting your badassery front and center, where it deserves to be.
Talk about freedom and permission!
And talk about a big fuck yeah!
“But Kristen, it’s not a fuck yeah, it’s a fuck me. Your clients must not be nearly as fucked up as I am. There’s no way I can journey to some temple and I know I’d still be guilty anyway.”
You’re not the first person I’ve heard that from. And I’ve got more news.
I’m not just the priestess in the temple. I’m also the kindly woman on the path who helps you on the journey — the sorceress in disguise who guides you to your destination and then HOLY MOLY! It was me the whole time!
(Sorry for ruining all the surprises.)
For real, you do not have to know how to get to the Temple of Absolution all on your own. I will help you get there. And along the way, I’ll help you carry that heavy bag. Maybe we can rummage around in there and find some things to discard along the path so there’s more room for all of the treasures you’ll find on the way.
If you want what I’m offering, BY DEFINITION you are not too fucked up to have it. You wouldn’t want it if it wasn’t already yours to have. We’re going to unlock that shit and so much more.
All you need to do is meet me at the trailhead, and let’s head down the path together.
Here’s How It Works
There’s more than one way to get to the temple, so choose your own adventure.
Single Coaching Session – $250/session*
1 session @ 45 minutes
Want to try out my coaching before making other decisions about working with me? This is perfect for you. Looking for support to make a specific decision, solve a discrete problem, or answer a concrete question? This is perfect for you. Need some outside perspective to help you get out of your own head? This is perfect for you.
I call this my “Fuck Around and Find Out” session because it’s a jaunt down the path toward the temple without need to make the whole journey all the way there. All you need is a water bottle and a backpack with some snacks — no tent or sleeping bag required. If you feel up for a longer hike at the end, you can check out my monthly 1:1 coaching or my group lifetime membership program. Or you can just head back to the car and head home until our next day-hike together.
Limited to 1 single session per person per month.
Monthly Coaching – $1000/month*
3 sessions @ 45-60 minutes
Unlimited email/WhatsApp support
If you want to go all the way to the Temple of Absolution and create your own freedom and permission — fuck yeah, you do! — you’re going to want more than just one session. How long we work together depends on what you want to accomplish, whether you like to stop and look at every flower or just charge ahead, and how many side quests you want to take on our way there.
Working with me for longer periods of time gives you months of access to my brain, my vision, and my unwavering belief in you; my 15+ years of experience; my formal and informal training; a constantly expanding library of content and resources; and perhaps most importantly, my ongoing, real-time support as you break into the next level of YOU-ness in your entrepreneurship and life journey.
It also guarantees your spot in advance; otherwise you may be waitlisted — which is fine, but means you’ll be waiting longer to set out on the path to the Temple of Absolution.
The only way to enroll in my monthly private 1:1 coaching program is to first complete a free exploration call with me. We’ll figure out of we’re a good fit to work together, and we’ll also figure out if we’re planning a 1-month, 3-month, or 6-month journey.
* If you believe your circumstances would qualify you for a partial scholarship to reduce the financial investment, please let me know when you complete the form to book your exploration call. We’ll chat about options when we talk.
You should know this:
I do not work 1:1 with everyone who books an exploration call with me.
It’s not because I don’t think you can achieve your goals or because you’re not good enough.
It’s not because you’re actually too fucked up to do this shit.
It’s not even because I don’t like you.
It’s because different jobs require different tools.
If my 1:1 coaching isn’t the right tool for the job you need done, I’m going to refer you to one that’s a better fit.
That may mean referring you directly to my group membership or to a half-day or full-day private intensive versus 1-6 months of 1:1 work.
It could also mean referring you to a colleague of mine, to a specific type of service provider, or to a licensed mental health professional depending on the nature of your needs.
I’m a GENIUS coach, but if I can tell that what I have isn’t the thing you need right now, I’m not gonna let you pay me your hard-earned money for a sort-of-kind-of solution.
I’m gonna point you in a direction that’s a better fit for your immediate needs.
Because I’m here for you, not for me, and I’m committed that you get the business and life you want, with the best possible support for you, period.
If we decide to work together,
we’ll completely customize your 1:1 coaching experience.
On our way to the Temple of Absolution, we’ll walk together through every area of your business and your life, meeting you exactly where you are and mapping out a plan to take you exactly where you want to go.
Because every client is different, I can’t tell you exactly what we’ll cover, how long we’ll spend on each topic, or the order in which we’ll tackle things.
You and I will figure that out together along the way — based on your exact needs, your specific situation, how long a journey we’re planning, and what you’re carrying in your pack.
No matter what, you’re gonna walk away with a greater sense of freedom and permission and a WHOLE lot more fuck-yeah in your life and business.
But there’s a WAY more out there for the taking, so dream and plan big, my friend! I mostly work with entrepreneurs, but business is only part of what we work on. I coach the WHOLE PERSON who HAS the business, not the business itself — so anything happening in your life is on the table.
Below are some of the most common areas where I support my 1:1 clients — but honestly, this barely scratches the surface. So bring me what matters to YOU and we’ll figure out how we’re gonna make it happen.
Clarifying Your Audience and Niche
- Who exactly do you serve?
- Where can you find them?
- What do they want, and why don’t they have it yet?
- What need do you meet for them?
- Why are you the perfect person to help them?
Nailing Down Your Services, Offers, and Pricing
- What specifically do you do for your clients?
- What results can they expect to get from working with you?
- What’s the value of those results?
- What format or structure best supports your clients in getting those results?
- What format or structure works best for your brain, your energy, and your style?
- When should you have more than one offer?
- If you have multiple offers, how do they fit together in your client’s experience and in the ecosystem of your business?
- What’s your pricing strategy?
Building a CEO Mindset
- What’s your purpose, intention, and mission for your business?
- What values and priorities guide your business decisions?
- How do you tell the difference between something that’s a good idea and something that’s a good idea for you?
- What’s your overall business strategy?
- How do you build confidence, belief, and self-trust?
- How do you validate yourself instead of chasing validation from others?
Operating with Integrity
- What values drive your business policies and professional ethics?
- Why have a contract and what needs to be in it?
- What are you responsible for and what are your clients responsible for?
- What are the pros and cons of offering a service guarantee, and what could one look like?
- What are the pros and cons of having a refund policy, and what could one look like?
- Do you need a cancellation policy, and why?
- How will you handle it when plans change in your business?
Creating a Marketing Strategy You LOVE
- What are your marketing goals?
- Which platforms best support your goals?
- How can you create a marketing plan that feels human and lets you show up like YOU?
- How do you create a marketing ecosystem, so all parts of your strategy work together?
- Should you do your own marketing, hire it out, or a combination?
- What marketing will best connect with your target audience?
- How do you market when you have multiple offers or multiple audiences?
- When do you need an email list, and how do you grow it?
- When do you need a website, and how do you create it?
- Should you have a podcast?
Selling the Slime-Free, Shame-Free Way
- What does ethical selling look like?
- What’s the difference between overcoming objections/problem solving and steamrolling your potential clients?
- How do you make your audience feel seen and understood without harping on their pain points or manipulating them?
- How do you sell confidently and effectively without being a creepy weirdo?
- What do effective sales conversations even look like?
- When should you use a consultation call versus an application process?
- Should sales conversations be free or should you charge for them?
- When should you disclose your pricing?
Designing a Sustainable Content Strategy
- When does it make sense to create information products like worksheets, ebooks, etc?
- How do you create a useful list-building freebie or low-ticket purchase?
- When and how should you create live or self-paced courses?
- How do you manage/track your content?
- How do you prioritize what content you need to create now versus later versus never?
- What is thought leadership and how does a content strategy contribute to it?
Setting Up and Simplifying Your Business Operations
- How do you onboard clients?
- How do you schedule client services?
- How do you collect money from your clients?
- How do you send money to people who provide services for you?
- How many bank accounts do you need?
- How do you track business income and expenses?
- How do you create, send, receive, and store contracts?
- How do you project income and cash flow?
- What client information do you need to keep and how do you create it/store it?
- What’s the absolute simplest way to handle your admin tasks as a business owner?
- When should you bootstrap it and do stuff yourself, and when should you get outside help?
- What tools/processes are working smoothly, and which ones are stressing you out, costing you more than they should, or making extra work?
Investing Strategically in Yourself and Business
- How many and which trainings, certifications, and licenses do you actually need?
- How much coaching should you be getting, and in what formats?
- What continuing education, if any, do you need to operate your business?
- When should you borrow/bootstrap a solution versus making a purchase?
- How much time and money should you spend on your website?
- Do you actually need a funnel?
- How do you prioritize investments?
- How do you balance investing in your growth with keeping enough cash on hand for your life and business to be sustainable and not stressful?
Scaling Without Sacrificing What Matters
- What does scaling actually mean, and do you even really want to do it?
- What core values need to stay at the forefront as your business grows?
- How can you grow strategically, without burning out?
- When is it time to build a team?
- How do you know what to keep and what to delegate?
- Where can you simplify and be more efficient, so you can do more with the resources you already have?
Balancing Business with Real Life
- How will you prioritize rest, wellness, and self-care in your business?
- How much vacation time will you give yourself, and how will you plan for that in you business strategy?
- How do you manage your time so all of the important stuff gets handled AND there’s still time left over for you?
- What boundaries do you need to create and hold — with yourself or others?
- What does your daily/weekly schedule look like?
- How will you balance your business with your “day job”?
- How do you run a business while parenting small humans?
- How do you run a business while being the kind of partner, friend, sibling, neighbor, etc. you want to be?
If you’re interested in something that’s not listed, NO WORRIES. That’s the benefit of a totally customized, totally personalized experience: We can cover anything you want and spend as much time on it as we need.
At the end of our work together, whether it lasts for a few months or for years, you’re going to feel confident in exactly who you are, exactly what you’re here for, and exactly how amazing your life gets to be — and you’re going to know you fucking deserve every glorious, satisfying second of your one-of-a-kind existence.
Meet the Priestess of Absolution
Hi. I’m Kristen.
I’m an integrative business coach and hypnotist who spent over a decade as a miserable success before deciding to burn it all down to go after what I wanted — instead of resigning myself to what the world told me I was allowed to have. I had the house, the husband, the kids (twins!), the careers… And yet I still felt like I was slowly being crushed alive by the pressure to do everything and do it all perfectly. It was the perfect trap, and now that I’ve gotten out of it I’m going back to free the others.
I’ve got nearly 20 years of experience in entrepreneurship and a background that includes marketing, copywriting, digital and content strategy, instructional design, publishing, public health (specifically mental health and trauma), and coaching.
In short, this isn’t my first rodeo. There’s been a lot of fucking rodeos.
My coaching career itself formally started around 2006 with business coaching, when my freelance communications firm became so successful so quickly that people were beating my door down to find out how I did it just 2 years out of college. My blog was named one of the top 10 blogs for freelance writers for multiple years, I was featured in several books and national publications, and I spoke to and trained at such organizations as the National Press Club, American Independent Writers, the Society of Professional Journalists, the National Writers Union, among others.
Since then, my coaching has spanned the gamut from mental health and wellness to fitness to general life coaching to business coaching — which is why I’m so skilled at coaching the whole person and not just one isolated aspect of your life.
In addition to having an MBA and a master’s in publishing from two of the best public universities in the country AND being a multi-certified coach and hypnotist, I have more than a decade of experience in mental health, trauma, substance use, and peer support, plus intensive training in tools like wellness facilitation, motivational interviewing, and trauma-informed approaches.