Integrative Hypnosis
Change Your Brain, Change Your LifeEver wish you could just reboot your brain so everything just works right again?
You can.
In fact, that’s exactly what I help my clients do in our hypnosis and changework sessions.
Through hypnosis, we update your brain’s operating system so it can handle all the new apps you’re trying to install.
- Healthy Eating 2.5
- No More Hitting Snooze 5.30
- Quit Smoking 3.0
- Fly Without Freaking the Fuck Out 4.9
- Stop Reliving that Shitty Relationship 24.7
You’re not struggling to make life changes because you suck. You’re struggling because your brain’s operating system is out of date and can’t support the new programs you want to run.
When we do a brain reboot and update, you can install ANY new programs you want and see them run seamlessly.
Think of me as tech support for human-ing.

No matter what you’ve tried before, hypnosis can help you make a shift in any and all areas that are important to you — faster than you think and with a LOT less work.
Hypnosis feels like magic, but it’s actually rooted in decades of nerdy neuroscience research that explains exactly how and why it works to make lasting change in your brain so YOU can experience permanent changes in your life.
Here’s the short version:
- Through a process called “neuroplasticity,” brains can change shape and be molded infinity times and in infinity ways — which is exactly where patterns come from.
- Just like plastic surgery can change the shape of your body, neuroplasticity changes the shape of your brain. Hypnosis is like totally noninvasive, nonmedical “neuroplastic surgery.”
- When you have your WHOLE brain and ALL of its power on board, you get more of what you want and less of what you don’t want — and it feels easier and more natural than you ever imagined.
Let’s work together.
Located in or near Leadville, CO?
Locals can book an in-person integrative changework session through Iris Moon Emporium, my Leadville/Lake County partner. Integrative hypnosis, integrative coaching, or both are available!
If you’re in the area but need to book during off hours or are looking for a longer session, such as for past-life regression work, contact me directly.
Located outside of the Leadville, CO, area?
I work with clients virtually too! Please contact me to book your Zoom session. All integrative changework services are fully available through live online sessions.
You’ll just need to log in from a comfortable, private location where you won’t be disturbed by people, pets, or other distractions.
Frequently Asked Questions about Hypnosis
What can hypnosis help me with?
Because hypnosis helps your whole brain work better with all its parts together, you can use hypnosis for pretty much anything.
Here are examples of some of the most common things people come to me for as a hypnotist:
- START or INCREASE a behavior
- Give yourself permission to do something you’ve been putting off
- Save money or pay off debt
- Exercise more
- Set and hold boundaries
- Develop stronger relationships with people you care about
- STOP or DECREASE a behavior
- Quit smoking (or drinking or using other substances)
- Change habits like nail-biting, overspending, skin picking, hair pulling, falling down the scroll-hole, overusing porn, etc.
- Stop yelling at your partner or kiddos
- End work on time every day instead of overworking and burning yourself out
- Get things done when you need to instead of procrastinating
- Not take it personally when someone else is being kind of a jerk
- OVERCOME fears and phobias
- Be able to fly on a plane — without having to take half a bottle of Xanax first
- Get through a visit to the dentist without having a panic attack
- Lose that fear of heights that has you paralyzed when you have to ride in a glass elevator
- Feel more confident in social situations instead of being riddled with anxiety
- Rewrite your relationship with money so it’s no longer a source of stress and worry
- SUPPORT physical health and well-being
- Go to bed earlier and get up on time
- Improve your sleep
- Reduce chronic pain
- Add more healthy foods to your daily diet
- Increase flexibility (no, for real!)
- FEEL BETTER emotionally and mentally
- Hit the brakes on intrusive thoughts or thought spirals
- Head off panic attacks before they start
- Develop more confidence and trust in yourself
- Find clarity and comfort in listening to your inner voice
- Become more mindful and intentional in your everyday life
- RELEASE and REWRITE difficult feelings and memories
- Redirect yourself from intrusive memories that have been replaying in your mind for years (and rewrite them if you don’t like that movie you’ve been watching!)
- Process and honor emotions like grief, regret, shame, and more so they don’t overwhelm you
- BREAK FREE from exhausting, repetitive feast/famine and all/nothing cycles
- I’m Flying High/I Crash-and-Burn
- I’m a Productivity GOD/I’m Completely Overwhelmed and Shut Down
- Everything is Amazing/Everything is Absolute Shit
- I’m So In Love This is IT/What Was I Thinking I’ll Die Alone
Everything in life is a pattern, and hypnosis can help you rewrite ANY pattern you want to change.
How does hypnosis work?
First, we start by talking about what you want to change today, how this thing shows up for you, and what you want to experience instead. Then, we roll up our sleeves and get to work!
There are three main levels of work in hypnosis, and all three of them are powerful.
- In level 1, you’ll learn how to stop the behavior in its tracks. Everything from lighting up a cigarette to having a panic attack to hitting the snooze button again to texting your ex — you’ll learn how to pump the brakes, interrupt the pattern, and detour your brain from the old pathway. Some folks feel complete at Level 1.
- In level 2, we learn how to take the power out of the things that used to trigger the old behavior AND we start programming in a new behavior. Once you’ve stopped the behavior and gotten off the old brain road in Level 1, we use Level 2 to build a new road in your brain — the one you detour ONTO after you get off the told road. This is where you practice and program your brain into the new pattern so it can become automatic. We’ll work on this together, but I’ll also teach you a technique called “self-directed neuroplasticity” that you can use to keep massaging your brain into its new pattern after our session. The more you practice with this tool, the faster that new pathway will deepen and become effortless. Some folks feel complete at Level 2.
- In level 3, we explore the why of the thing(s) you’re changing, add meaning and context to it, and develop insight. Human brains crave clarity and understanding, and providing that is exactly what we do in Level 3. This is where we process new and old emotions, make meaning of your experiences and your goals, and integrate or process what’s come up for you or what needs to be released. Many people love going all the way through and using their Level-3 awareness to support other changes and build their self-confidence.
You do not have to do all three levels to get results from hypnosis. We always start with level 1, but you can stop wherever you like. If that’s as far as you want to go, great! Sometimes we do all three levels of work in a single session, sometimes we do one level per session for 3 sessions, sometimes we slide back and forth between levels over multiple sessions over a few months. It all helps change your brain to create the changes you want to see in your life.
What happens in a hypnosis session?
We’ll start with checking in about what you want to change today. Then, depending on what you want to accomplish and what feels best to you, we’ll jump in at whatever level we’re on.
I use two main approaches in my hypnosis sessions:
- Conversational hypnosis, which is really just us talking while I use specific subtle cues to help your unconscious mind rearrange around the change you’re making. Sometimes I’ll sound like a doofus when I loop our conversation back around to reinforce something important to your goals, but sometimes I sound like a doofus even when I’m NOT doing that. So basically it’ll feel like a normal chat — just one with a specific goal.
- Trance and guided visualization/guided experiencing, which is a little more like what you may think of when you think of hypnosis. You’ll sit in a comfortable position with eyes closed or your gaze soft, and I’ll guide you through a relaxation exercise to start. Then I’ll guide your mind and body through whatever it is we’ve agreed on so you can actually feel it happening for yourself and create powerful pathways in your brain. You’re the one in the driver’s seat, but I’m the one who’s reading the directions to you so you know where to turn. If you’ve ever listened to a guided meditation on a recording or in a yoga class or something, you’ve already experienced something similar!
I’m a little nervous about trying hypnosis and giving someone else control of my brain. Help?
A LOT of people are nervous about hypnosis before they’ve experienced it! If everything I’d heard about hypnosis in TV and movies were true, I’d be right there with you! The good news, though, is that most of what you’ve heard ISN’T true.
Here are two of the most common concerns people express, and why you don’t need to worry about them:
- Hypnosis is NOT mind control. Your hypnotist cannot use hypnosis to make you do something you don’t want to do. It’s just a tool to help you get easier access to the stuff that’s already inside you, to make it easier for you to do the stuff you actually want to do. In other words, if you don’t already have a true desire to do something, I can’t make you do it no matter how hard I try — including if you don’t actually want to quit smoking but just feel like you SHOULD want to. 😉
- Hypnosis doesn’t make you lose awareness or lose consciousness. You are fully in charge of what happens in any hypnosis session, even if you’re in a deep trance. If there were an earthquake, if someone yelled “fire,” or if anything else happened during your session that made you feel unsafe or uncomfortable, you would “snap out of it” in an instant.
If you have other concerns or questions, please contact me! I’d love to help.
Hi. I’m Kristen.
I spent over a decade as a miserable success before deciding to burn it all down to go after what I wanted — instead of resigning myself to what the world told me I was allowed to have. I had the house, the husband, the kids (twins!), the careers… And yet I still felt like I was slowly being crushed alive by the pressure to do everything and do it all perfectly. It was the perfect trap, and now that I’ve gotten out of it I’m going back to free the others.
I’ve got nearly 20 years of experience in entrepreneurship and a background that includes marketing, copywriting, digital and content strategy, instructional design, publishing, public health (specifically mental health and trauma), and coaching.
In short, this isn’t my first rodeo. There’s been a lot of fucking rodeos.
My work has spanned the gamut from mental health and wellness to fitness to general life coaching to business coaching — which is why I’m so skilled at coaching the whole person and not just one isolated aspect of your life. In addition to having an MBA and a master’s in publishing from two of the best public universities in the country and being a multi-certified coach, I have more than a decade of experience in mental health, trauma, substance use, and peer support, plus intensive training in tools like wellness facilitation, motivational interviewing, and trauma-informed approaches. I’m a multi-certified coach as well as a certified hypnotist and a certified integrative changeworker.