Integrative Coach & Hypnotist

The top five things I hate about freelancing:

  • Knowing that I’m the only one responsible for the failure of my business
  • Following up with clients who don’t pay on time
  • Getting rejection letters
  • Having to “fire” clients I don’t want to work with
  • Putting up with ageism from people who think that my being 23 years old and a woman means that I’m incapable of doing an amazing job for them

The top five things I love about freelancing:

  • Knowing that I’m the only one responsible for the success of my business
  • Taking checks to the bank and marking my invoices “paid”
  • Seeing my name in print
  • Receiving referrals from satisfied clients
  • Turning a skeptical potential customer into a dedicated long-term client after wowing them with what I can do

What do you feel passionately about?

Yours ’til the ink wells,