Integrative Coach & Hypnotist

Join Kristen King (that’s me!) and host Jen Cui as we close out the year on Day 11 of her 12 Days of Breakthroughs series on the Creating a Fantastical Life Podcast.

We cover a ton of ground, so Jen created these great highlights for us:

() My background & the 2 biggest beliefs that held her back from being herself () Relearning to take up space () Replacing old conditioning with new ones () Buying the “rich people” bread & making money safe to spend () Quitting her corporate job to honor her truth () TW: suicide & when suicidal ideation is a manifestation of soul misalignment () Giving yourself space to get mental health support () The emotional rollercoaster after quitting & starting her business () What it looks like to let yourself be human & not want to be perfect () You can have it all, but not all at once () Taking pressure off yourself & lower your expectations () How to do less in your business, and still create amazing results () Authenticity & what does it really mean?

You’ll also find tons of mental health resources in the show notes.

Where to listen:

Or watch the video on YouTube:

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Feeling inspired to work together after hearing this episode? Let’s fucking go.

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