Integrative Coach & Hypnotist

Well! It’s been quiet here, but I’m sure you don’t need me to tell you that — you already picked up on it from the depressing lack of posts. The short story (and believe me, you want me to spare you the details) is that I’ve been sick as a dog for a couple of weeks and am finally feeling back to normal. Mostly, anyway.

But a lot’s been going on all the same! My last semester of grad school (finally!) started last night and I’m very excited about my Tuesday class, Designing for E-Publishing success. And when I stopped by Borders on the way home to pick up my textbook, I stumbled across an article featuring lil’ ol’ me in the current issue of Home Business Magazine! How’s that for a fun surprise? I checked the site but don’t see the article up there yet, but I did go ahead and order the June 2007 issue since it’s all about ecommerce and blogging for business, and I finally broke down and subscribed.

Also, on a non-work-related front, we got a new dog! His name is Murphy, and the brings the canine numbers in this house to an odd 3. You know what that means! We’ll have to even it out before too long. I haven’t uploaded my pics yet, but when I do you’ll be able to read all about him, Pickles, Ty, Zoe, and Isabel at meow/bark/blog.

Back to work, things are hopping over at the L-K Summer Article Challenge despite my sick-tastic absence, with several participants already having completed their 30 articles and qualifying for the Golden PJs award! There’s still time to get on board, so don’t be shy — sign up!

The Kristen King Freelancing website has a new look that you may not have seen yet. I’m trying to target clientèle with deeper pockets in an effort to work less while making more money, and I think sprucing up the site and making it look a little more corporate is going to help. So far the feedback I’ve received has supported that assumption, and the numbers continue to climb. Thank goodness.

Notes in the Margin has moved, though you can still access it at the same old URL. Or, you will be, anyway, once I finish the transfer. I’m migrating the content over to a WordPress platform so I can better manage it and perform updates despite my slacker Internet connection, which has prevented me from putting out an issue since we moved into the new place. Content is temporarily being housed at, which, I know, looks like crap but is only temporary. I’ll keep you and my nearly 800 subscribers posted on progress. What? You’re not a subscriber yet? Slacker! Go to and subscribe on any page.

I think those are all of the updates, but I reserve the right to come back with something else later.

On my plate for today:
  • Task: Write 2 resumes. Status: 1 down, 1 to go
  • Task: Implement client edits for old resume. Status: Pending
  • Task: E-mail interview questions to 3 sources. Status: 1 down, 2 to go, pending confirmation from editor
  • Task: Set up client meeting for next week. Status: Pending
  • Task: Post to Inkthinker. Status: You’re looking at it, baby!
  • Task: Post to Lively Women. Status: Done
  • Task: Post to meow/bark/blog. Status: Pending
  • Task: Upload pics to Flickr. Status: Pending
  • Task: Clean out e-mail inbox. Status: In progress

What are you working on today?