Integrative Coach & Hypnotist

Tonight someone described publishing to me as “an accidental profession.”

This struck me as odd for two reasons:

  • (1) that the statement was made in a room of people who are actively pursuing a graduate degree in publishing, and
  • (2) that I was the only one who really challenged it.

An impromptu survey revealed that less than 25% of people in the room considered publishing as a deliberate career objective. Okay, obviously it’s their deliberate career objective now or they wouldn’t be in the class, but we’re talking more long term here, a goal whose attainment is the motivation for how they have structured their careers to date.

Publishing is literally what I have always wanted to do (except for about five minutes when, at the age of 6, I announced that I would be pursuing a career at McDonalds — I outgrew the phase quickly).

One of the things I love about this industry is that everyone comes to their place in it in a very different way. It may not necessarily be with a large sign that says, “Publishing, here I come!” but I think it’s a kind of siren song, less accidental and more fateful. Am I channeling someone more well-known than myself when I say that I didn’t choose publishing, publishing chose me?