Integrative Coach & Hypnotist

This is your official reminder that marketing and sales aren’t actually inherently gross and weird and icky and slimy.

You may have heard that they are. You may have even experienced them that way in the past. But I want to offer you a different perspective:

Marketing and serving your clients are actually exactly the same thing. 

I’ll use my core business, coaching, as an example. I invite you to find the version of this that fits your specific business. (If you’re not sure how, comment or submit a question through my contact form and I’ll help you out.)

  • With marketing, you’re inviting them to embrace possibility for themselves, and providing practical support for them to move from possibility to reality.
  • With coaching, you’re selling people on the idea of what’s possible for them, inviting them to embrace possibility for themselves, and providing practical support for them to move from possibility to reality.

Marketing and coaching are exactly the same thing. The only reason they feel different is that you’re telling yourself they are, and then believing yourself when you say that.

I can use a car to take an injured person to a hospital OR to run someone over. That doesn’t actually have anything to do with the car — it has to do with the driver. And the fact that someone can market and sell like an asshole doesn’t mean that’s the only way you can market and sell.

Marketing and sales can be gross. But they can also be a balm to the soul, life changing, life saving, hilarious, inspiring, and more.

Bottom line? If you don’t want to do marketing and sales like a slimy, gross weirdo, don’t!

Do it FUN.

Remember: People ALWAYS have a choice. We are not holding our followers hostage. They are adults who can follow us or not, hire us or not. You don’t actually get to decide for them, even if you want to. They decide for themselves, and so do you.

Your people are in your orbit for a reason.

They want to be there. Because you have something they want — and you offering it to them is one of the kindest things you can do in service to them. They need you to market MORE, to sell MORE, because that’s the thing that gives them access to what they already want for themselves.

Yes, you heard that right: You aren’t marketing and selling too MUCH — you’re marketing and selling too LITTLE.

So if you’re holding off on going all in or judging yourself harshly or or talking yourself out of activities because “ewwwwww, marketing,” we should chat.

I’m a genius at helping you get your fucks back from worrying about what other people might think about you. When you’re in charge of your fucks, you can use your energy to share your genius with the world.

Leave a comment and let me know where you’re stuck. Or, visit the Get Started page to learn about how we can work together.

Want more resources? Subscribe to my email list for extra goodies right in your inbox or listen to my podcast From F*ck Me to F*ck Yeah …whenever the fuck I feel like it.

No matter how you stay in touch, when I’m done with you, you’ll be giving way fewer fucks and having way more fun. You’re welcome.