Business Coach

“Quiet quitting” is made up, just like cancel culture, by people who don’t have the maturity or strength of character to own their actions and the consequences of those actions. Full stop.

GOD FORBID people stop doing shit that was never part of their job in the first place and is driving them into the ground for absolutely ZERO payoff just to line the pockets of some asshole who’d step over their body in the street without a second thought.

“Quiet quitting” right up there with “nobody wants to work anymore.” Fuck allllllllllll the way off. OF COURSE nobody wants to work for zero appreciation and wages that don’t sustain life — and they CERTAINLY don’t want to do THREE jobs for the insufficient compensation they receive for the ONE they actually agreed to.

You know what we need? LOUD QUITTING.

And the end of this absolute BULLSHIT about a level playing field where opportunity is there for the taking and if you’re struggling it’s a character defect.

THE SYSTEM WAS DESIGNED THIS WAY. It’s a feature, not a flaw.

You are not lazy.
You are not broken.
You are not deficient.
You were not born just to pay bills and die.

Declining to perform work you didn’t agree to, which will cost you in terms of energy and resources if you DID perform it, and in exchange for zero compensation isn’t laziness; it’s common sense.

You’re not required to set yourself on fire to keep other people warm.

You’re not required to drown yourself so someone else can meet their arbitrary strategic targets.

Fuck ALL of that.

Thank you for coming to my TED talk.

And if you want to stop giving all your fucks to THIS bullshit and keep them for things that actually matter to you and add value to your life, stick around. Drop a comment below with a specific question, make sure your sweet ass is on my email list so you get every issue, and if you’re feeling REALLY feisty I invite you to explore how to get started working together.

We’re gonna burn down the motherfucking patriarchy one reclaimed fuck at a time.


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